Wet Painting

Our in house capabilities

DDS has (2) Binks 12' x 10' x 12' Spray Booths and (2) 7' x 7' x 13' ovens for baking the finish

What is Wet Painting

In this process finish paint is applied to a clean dry surface using atomized liquid paint. The paint is cured either using an oven (baked) or air dried. The process of wet painting allows for an broad rangle of colors and product composition. It is easly applied to non magnetic items and items that cannot be processed in the extreme heat of the curring ovens.

Disadvantages of Wet Painting

Wet painting takes longer to process than powder coated items. If the item has to be air dried the possiblity of contaminination is always present. Wet painted items will take between 24 to 48 hours to cure before packaging.